Pilot project for economic residential building
The Future Congress of the “Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA) Hessen” focuses on the current challenges on the field of residential building. At the German Architecture Museum on the 30th of November between 11:00 AM and 6:30 PM architects present and discuss different approaches to residential building and their potentials. In the process they also draw attention to regional, social and political correlations. On this occasion Professor Michael Schumacher will present the Frankfurt model for cost-effective residential building developed by the schneider+schumacher architectural office in collaboration with ABG FRANKFURT HOLDING. Two buildings with overall 46 apartments are going to be built in Oberrad on the specific assumption that the basic rent will amount no more than 10€ – without lowering constructional quality.
The event is public and free of charge. The participation is acknowledged as an advanced training course by the “Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen”. A registration in advance is required (kontakt@bda-hessen.de).